Power BI - Importing fbprophet and using Anaconda as Default Python

Hi Guys, The other day, I was trying to use the fbprophet package to do a Time Series Analysis using Python through Power BI and "Smack!", I hit a roadblock. I tried installing the fbprophet packeage using pip install fbprophet but it threw a ton of errors. So naturally I looked around on the internet and came across quite a number of forums that confirmed there was a problem when installing fbprophet through pip on Windows 10. One such link is https://github.com/facebook/prophet/issues/2 While I was reading through a few more articles I found out that by using the Anaconda platform it was possible to install and implement the fbprophet package and so I tried it out and after a few struggles I managed to get it to work! These are the steps I took, 1. Uninstalled the existing python instance/s on my machine 2. Deleted the existing application folders 3. Downloaded the graphical installer(Python version 3.7) for Anaconda from the website below https://www...